Cathy's Journey

Well here we are just past the 21st week of our pregnancy. This past month has been the longest month we've had in a while. Just wanted to give a little up date on Cathy's and the baby progress. We will start with the little one. The baby is doing great, so we are told. Three weeks ago on our second trip to the ER, the ultrasound guy put the baby in the 90th percentile, and she feels the little one kick and move around on her all the time. We haven't had a real in depth ultrasound like that on since, but we do see a specialist on Wednesday. There we should hopefully find out some answers as to what is going on with poor Cathy's body. We should also be able to find out the sex? Boy - Girl, who knows? Cathy remains on bed rest which is absolutely killing her. She is allowed to go from the couch to the bed. She will probably remain on it till everything fixes itself. She is suffering from a sore back from constantly laying down, her migraines, and the cramping and bleeding, not to mention board um. She remains optimistic and tries to keep her spirits up. But as i was saying, we see a specialist tomorrow. He is supposed to be one of the best in his field. We should hopefully get some answers to our questions. We will let you guys know.

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